Product Update

June 2024 release

James Schnarr, Senior Product Manager
June 19 2024

Our OCTOPUZ June 2024 release is available now! This update streamlines a number of workflows, while also bringing new features based on your product feedback.

Enhanced CAD import workflow

We've enhanced our CAD import workflow. This includes new options to optimize CAD file settings prior to importing into OCTOPUZ.

In addition, importing CAD files is quicker than ever with the ability to import multiple CAD files at once, as well as drag and drop CAD files into the 3D World.

Online code engine

The OCTOPUZ Code Engine, responsible for generating robot code from programs created in OCTOPUZ, can now receive updates separate from app updates.

This allows the OCTOPUZ Team to deliver faster and more streamlined enhancements to robot brand posts. It also allows users to choose which version of the Code Engine to use.

Shift statements using coordinates

A new Transform method called Shift can move or copy paths and searches using coordinate values. This is useful when a path or search needs to be moved to a specified position.

Collision detection improvements

Collision detection has been optimized to be faster and provide better information on collision groups. In addition, a new feature called Collision Tolerance can add a safety margin to detected collisions.

Calibration datasets

A feature for calibrating a new cell, define a set of points which will be used for the automatic calibration tools.

More improvements
  • “Define Robot World” and “Calibrate Robot World” have been merged into a single panel experience.
  • When creating code for a program containing circle moves but the robot brand post does not support circles, there is now an error and code will not be created.
  • FANUC is now supported with multi-robot coordinated welding on a single part positioner (“MULTI ARM”).
  • It is now possible to set a custom preview image for projects and cell templates.
  • From the program list, it is now possible to clone (duplicate) a program.
  • Literal and Comment statements now have templates, which can be used to save and select commonly used options.
  • In the Collision Detection UI, when no collision groups exist or no groups are enabled, the UI will now warn that there are no active groups.
  • Spanish is now supported as an app language.
  • On the Code tab, it is now detected if a Custom Post exists for the selected robot controller brand. If so, there is an option, “Use Custom Post”, where if enabled, code will be created with the custom post, and if not enabled, it will be created using default post.

  • Plenty of other performance and UI/UX improvements, plus a number of bug fixes. 

To get this update, OCTOPUZ must be reinstalled. For instructions on how to do this, please see this Support article.

Looking for something and don't see it just yet? Let our Product Team know how we can make your OLRP experience better by sharing your Product Feedback.

Full release notes are also available on the OCTOPUZ Academy.

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